We’re wrapping up the year on a positive note having just completed the audits of the financial statements of 2 of the charities we support, both of which are very much part of the Ku-ring-gai community.
We’ve been performing an honorary audit of KYDS – Ku-ring-gai Youth Development Inc, for about 5 years and with not only our accountant’s hat on, we’re thrilled to see this charity go from strength to strength. KYDS provides free counselling to young people and their families to deal with a range of issues such as grief, anxiety, exam stress, anger, bullying, relationships, body image and even suicidal thoughts. They are now busier than ever which means the word is out that they’re around to help.
In addition, they run workshops for students and parents focusing on staying safe and maintaining positive mental health in challenging circumstances. There are many evidence- based strategies which can help to equip young people to deal with a range of situations and making these available to young people is what KYDS is all about.
To learn more about the great work from the team at KYDS visit kyds.org.au/
In 2014 we were introduced to Goods for Girls, only established about 3 years ago but in such a short time achieving so much. Goods for Girls could be first world fashion accessories, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Through the provision of feminine hygiene products, taken for granted by many girls around the world, they are facilitating better educational outcomes for girls in a community in Kenya.
To learn more about how Goods for Girls is improving the attendance of young woman in schools in a small community in Kenya, visit goodsforgirls.org
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